Flying Duck PsyKotic Waterfowl

Joined: 27 Jan 2005 Posts: 10098 Location: Bumf***, WA
Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:07 pm Post subject: Back from the dead, 8 years later |
The last time I put any miles on my green 93 LT was back in May of 2013 when I rode it up The Sierras. Shortly after that it developed a couple of issues – a sticky front brake lever and loose steering head bearings that caused the front end to shimmy every time I came to a stop. Because I have so many other bikes it went to the back of the garage where I just let it sit.
Back in 2017 I purchased and revived a neglected 93 LT and put over 18,000 miles on that touring the western US before I sold it in 2019. But it reminded me how great a touring bike the LT is, especially in states where there’s no helmet law. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but one thing I really love about the K1100LT is touring on it without a helmet.
So this summer I decided it was time to bring the green LT back to life. Having left it with about half a tank of ethanol poisoned gas in it for 8 years I was SURE that the tank internals would be a horrid mess. When I took the gas cap off to siphon the poison out I was pleasantly surprised to find that everything was just like it had been ridden yesterday. When I jumped power to the fuel pump it whirred up just fine. Go figger. Started right up with fresh gas. The injectors seem to be fine too.
Due to neglect, I had to replace the front and rear master cylinders. I’d tried to mess with tightening the steering head bearings back in 2013 but no joy getting the knurled nut to turn in order to tighten the steering head bearings. This time I resorted to using a chisel at a 45 degree angle to get it to turn about 20 degrees and that worked.
After that I changed the fluids and installed some new Bridgestone T32s.
On Friday I rode it out to the Washington coast to camp at the beach and watch the sun set across The Pacific Ocean.
More pics at this link: _________________ 93 LT (x2)
94 RS
86-97 K75F(K75/100/1100 Frankenbrick)
86 K75C w/paralever, hi perf cams,TURBO!
91 & 92 K75Ss
91 K1
86 custom K100
14 WR250R
IBA #17739 (SS1K, BBG, 50CC)
Buy parts HERE |